(1 Year Contract)
Directorate: Construction Procurement
SALARY : R257 508 per annum (Level 07)
CENTRE : Head Office (Bhisho) Ref No: DPW 10/04/2019 (X4 Posts)
Alfred Nzo Regional Office (Mount Ayliff) Ref No: DPW 11/04/2019 (X1 Post)
OR Tambo Regional Office (Mthatha) Ref No: DPW 12/04/2019 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree/National Diploma in Supply Chain Management/Management/ Logistic Management/ Public Administration/Public Management with subjects in Public Procurement, Finance or Supply Chain Management or Appropriate Degree/National Diploma in Commerce/Business Management/ FIS/Internal Auditing/Management/Management Assistant/Accounting /Law and a minimum of two (2) year relevant experience. Computer skills in Microsoft Office Applications. Knowledge and skills: of Supply Chain Management processes, Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations, PPPFA, CIDB, SIDPM, BBBEE and other relevant prescripts.
DUTIES : Assist in Contracts and Service Level Agreements drafting. Ensure consistent application of SCM processes across all contracts including compliance with legislative and regulatory framework. Provide support to all departmental bid committees. Safeguarding of contracts related documentation and contract files. Maintain an up to date departmental contract register. Maintain contract guarantees and related matters. Report and advise on all Contract management risks.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms N. Mtoba Tel No: 040 602 4270 or Ms S. Mdoda Tel No: 040 602 4140
APPLICATIONS : Hand Delivery: Room 2-09, second Floor, Corner of Siwani and Independence Avenue, Qhasana Building, Bhisho. Post to: The Director: HR Practices and Administration, Department of Public Works, Private Bag X0022, Bhisho, 5605.
CLOSING DATE : 24 May 2019
Are you happy with your current EMPLOYMENT STATUS? If not, we have jobs that matches almost 3/4 of South African youth. visit our website for jobs of your choice that do not require experience.
Administrative Posts
Human resource Management
General worker
Information Technology
Data capturing
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the Application for Employment Form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department go to and should be accompanied by a comprehensive CV, including at least two contactable referees, and certified copies of qualifications, driver’s license (where applicable) and Identity Document (with an original certification stamp) The Z83 form must be signed by an original signatures. It is the responsibility of applicants in possession of foreign qualifications to submit evaluated results by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant elements of the job. Applicants must quote the relevant reference number for the post as advertised. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months of the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The Office of The Premier welcomes people with disabilities and they may be given preference. All short listed candidates will be required to undergo pre-employment screening. All the appointments are subject to security vetting results. Failure to submit a comprehensive CV, academic qualifications and the signed Z83 form will result in the disqualification of the application from the process. Applications received after closing date will not be considered. No faxed/email applications will be accepted.