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Overberg District

SALARY : R102 534 per annum

CENTRE : Caledon Clinic, Theewaterskloof Sub-district

REQUIREMENTS : Minimum requirement: Basic numeracy and literacy. Experience: Appropriate experience as a cleaner/general worker. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Good communication and interpersonal skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. The ability to function independently and/or as part of a team. The ability to work under pressure.

DUTIES : General cleaning which include dusting, sweeping vacuuming, polishing, cleaning of windows and toilets scrubbing and mopping, removal of rubbish bags and cleaning of mobile clinics according to the day/weekly program of the Operational Manager in charge. Relief work at other clinics when necessary. Render an effective, efficient and safe hygiene service in and around the clinic. Adhering to Infection Prevention Control Principles. Effective management of equipment and stock control.

ENQUIRIES : Ms E Fourie Tel No: (028) 212-1572

APPLICATIONS : The District Director: Overberg District Office, Private Bag X07, Caledon, 7230.


CLOSING DATE: 10 July 2020 (Applications received after this date will not be accepted).

NOTE: Applications must be submitted on the Application for Employment Form (Z83) available from any Public Service Department and should be accompanied by a comprehensive CV together with originally certified copies of qualifications, driver’s license and ID. Applicants who possess a qualification which was obtained from a non-South African University must produce SAQA evaluations when submitting their applications. Failure to comply with any instruction will disqualify applicants. Appointment is subject to a positive outcome obtained from the NIA on the following checks (Security Clearance, Qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment). Faxed or late applications will not be accepted. Should applicants not receive any response from the Department within three months of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the Department. Following the interview and the technical exercise, the selection committee will recommend the candidates to attend a generic management competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency based assessments). The competency assessment tests generic management competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. The following posts are being re-advertised: Director: Disaster Management; Civil Engineer: Water (2 Posts), Civil Engineer: Mechanical/ Civil (2 posts), Deputy Director: Prosecutions and Senior Legal Administration Officer. All applicants who applied previously need to re-apply if they wish their applications to be considered.

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