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(Contract Period 1 July 2020 till 31 March 2022)

Cape Winelands Health District

SALARY: R14 046 per annum 4 Hours per week (R67.53 per hour) (X1 Post), 16 Hours per week: R 56 184 per annum (R67.53 per hour) (X1 Post)

CENTRE: Breedevalley Primary Health Care, Breedevalley Sub-district

REQUIREMENTS: Minimum requirement: Basic literacy and numeracy skills. Inherent requirement of the job: The ability to do physical tasks, operate heavy-duty cleaning and household equipment. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Ability to effectively communicate in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape.

DUTIES: Responsible for cleaning, including sweeping, dusting, mopping, scrubbing, polishing, refuse removing and maintenance of general neatness and hygiene of the clinics. Render assistance to the supervisor with general housekeeping duties such as control of cleaning and household equipment, care of linen and serving of patients. Adhere to safety measures when handling waste. Attend in-service training appropriate to service delivery. Relieve groundsman duties when necessary

Inquiries: Ms S Gagu Tel No: (023) 8142-262

APPLICATIONS The Director: Cape Winelands Health District Office, Private Bag X3079, Worcester, 684.


NOTE: No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates who are short-listed for interviews may be expected to complete a practical test.

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