Table of Contents
REF NO: DHRCM/49/32/22/03
SALARY: R176 310 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE: D HR CM (PSAP), Bank of Lisbon, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Grade 12 (NQF Level 4). Experience in Mainframe/Persol Orientation and in Human Resource will be an added advantage. Special Requirement (skills needed): Must be computer literate (MS Word/ MS Excel/ MS PowerPoint and Internet usage). Client orientated. Good verbal and written communication skills. Flexibility and job knowledge.
DUTIES: Provide personnel administrative support wrt the placement of advertisement in the DOD, broader Public Service, also daily manage the applications of advertised posts. Attend shortlisting and selection board as HR rep’s/administration assistance (secretarial assistance) and prepare minutes for signature chairperson, prepare and present submission for approval to higher authority. Compilation of appointment letters after approval obtained. Conduct verification of qualification and send to SAQA, prepare and present submission for preliminary vetting to DI. Maintain safekeeping of finalized advertisement and submission in cabinet. Provide an internal consultancy service to line managers and clients iro staffing matters and the rules & regulations that regulate the recruitment process, compilation of letters iro general staffing enquiries.
ENQUIRIES: Ms T.N. Gqunu Tel No: (012) 339 5421
APPLICATIONS: Department of Defence, Director Human Resources Career Management, Private Bag X976, Pretoria 0001 or may be hand delivered to Bank of Lisbon Building, Corner Paul Kruger & Visagie Street, Pretoria.
NOTE: Chief Directorate Human Resource (Directorate Human Resource Career Management PSAP) is guided by the principle of Employment Equity Act.
REF NO: CDHRD/53/32/22
Directorate: Education Training and Development (D ETD)
SALARY: R321 543 per annum (Level 08)
CENTRE: Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS: Applicants should be in possession of a three year ABET National Diploma/Degree or Human Resource Development qualification. A minimum of three to five (3 – 5) years’ experience in HRD/HRM. Special reference to Education Training and Development (ETD) practices will be an advantage. Special requirements/skills needed: Good interpersonal skills, organising, research, problem solving, analysing, innovation and creative, decision making, influencing, presentation and negotiating skills. Knowledge of Public Service Act Personnel (PSAP) legislation and ETD prescripts. Proficiency in the operational language of the DOD. Computer skills will be essential (MS Word, MS Power Point, and MS Excel). Communication skills (verbal, exchange notes, articles, bulletins, presentations and reports). Drivers’ license is essential and must be willing to obtain a military drivers’ license. Must be able to obtain a confidential security clearance within a year.
DUTIES: Coordinate the availability of Continuing Education and Training (Adult Education and Training) at regional level. Coordinate the availability and presentation of Continuing Education and Training (Grade 12) at regional level. Conduct research on Continuing Education and Training. Evaluate and compile reports.
ENQUIRIES: Ms .V.M. Sebeho Tel No: (012) 355 5710/Mr T.C. Mahwai Tel No: (012) 355 6082.
APPLICATIONS: Department of Defence, Human Resource Division, CD HR Development, Private Bag X159, Pretoria, 0001 or you may hand deliver at Department of Defence, Armscor Building, Cnr Boeing & Nossob Street, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.
CLOSING DATE: 16 September 2022 (Applications received after the closing date and faxed copies will not be considered).
NOTE: This Department is an affirmative action employer which endeavours to apply representivity and gender equality. Applications must be submitted on the prescribed form Z83 (obtainable from any Public Service Department office i.e effective 01 January 2021 or on the DPSA web site link: Should an application be received using incorrect application employment form Z83, it will be disqualified, which must be originally signed and dated by the applicant and which must be accompanied by a detailed CV only (with full particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge & experience). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of the interview which should not be older than six months. Failure to comply with the above instructions will result in applications being disqualified. Applicants applying for more than one post must submit a separate form Z83 (as well as the documentation mentioned above) in respect of each post being applied for. If an applicant wishes to withdraw an application it must be done in writing. Should an application be received where an applicant applies for more than one post on the same applications form, the application will only be considered for the first post indicated on the application and not for any of the other posts. Under no circumstances will photostat copies or faxed copies of application documents be accepted. The successful candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (criminal record, citizenship & financial/asset record checks and qualification and employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to security clearance processes. Applicants who do not receive confirmation or feedback within 3 (three) months after the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. Due to the large volume of responses anticipated, receipt of applications will not be acknowledged and correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. For more information on the job description(s) please contact the person indicated in the post details. Successful candidates will be appointed on probation for the period of twelve (12) months in terms of the prescribed rules.