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The Department of Sport, Recreation Arts and Culture in the Eastern Cape is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Females and disabled persons are encouraged to apply. Employment Equity targets of the Department will be adhered to.



An all-inclusive remuneration R95 538 (5/8th) in lieu of benefits


  • Sarah Baartman District (Grahamstown) Ref No: DSRAC 03/06/2018
  • Alfred Nzo District (Mount Ayliff) Ref No: DSRAC 04/06/2018
  • Joe Gqabi District (Aliwal North) Ref No: DSRAC 05/06/2018

A relevant tertiary qualification in Sport Management or Human Movement Science or Education OR Matric with 2 years’ experience in the areas of School Sport. Experience in the Sport Development continuum at administration, team management, coaching or technical officiating of schools and community sport in at least one sporting code. Experience of working with Sport and Recreation structure are essential. Good communication and organising skills. Ability to work under pressure, advance computer literacy is essential. Must be in possession of a valid code 08 driving licence.

Coordinate the implementation of a schools sport league system in terms of the MPP Business Plan. Provide administration support to schools sport code structures with registration of schools, athletes to annual programme. Assist with the development and implementation of an athletes’ participation and development plan. Maintain credible records of registered schools, code structures and athletes. Provide support with the preparation and hosting of tournaments, festivals and competitions. Maintain database of resources distributed to schools. Overall administrator of training and development programmes.


  • Sarah Baartman District (Grahamstown): Mr V Ketelo Tel No: 046 6034244
  • Alfred Nzo District (Mount Ayliff): Mr Gugwana Tel No: 039 254 0960
  • Joe Gqabi District (Aliwal North): Mr Y Dlamkile Tel No: 051 633 2090


  • Joe Gqabi District: Post to: The Senior Manager: Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Private Bag X1010, Aliwal North, 9750 OR Hand deliver to: No. 27 Queens Terrance, Aliwal North.
  • Sarah Baartman District: Post to: The Senior Manager: Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Private Bag X1003, Grahamstown, 6140 OR Hand deliver to: Registry, 1st floor, Corner African and Milner Street, Grahamstown.
  • Alfred Nzo District: Post to: The Senior Manager: Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Private Bag X531, Mt Ayliff, 5100 OR Hand deliver to: No 67 Church Street Mt Ayliff.

Applications must be submitted on Z83 form, obtainable at any public service department or on the internet at http://www.info.gov.za/documents/forms/employ.pdf which must be signed(an unsigned Z83 form will disqualify an application) and should be accompanied by a recently updated comprehensive CV as well as certified copies of all qualification( s) ( Matric certificate must also be attached) an ID document and driver’s license(where applicable). Non RSA citizens/ Permanent Resident Permit Holders must attach a copy of his/her Permanent Resident Permit to his/ her application. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 3 months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizen verification, financial/ asset record check, qualification/ study verification and previous employment verification). SMS applicants will be subjected to a technical exercise and undergo competence assessment. Successful candidates will also be subjected to security clearance process. Where applicable candidates will be 138 subjected to a skills/ knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a probation period of 24 months. The department reserves the right not to make appointment (s) to the advertised post (s). Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. No Faxed or Emailed applications will be accepted. Applications received after closing date will not be considered. All applications must be submitted to the relevant centre as specified in the advert.

CLOSING DATE: 13 JULY2018 @ 15H00

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