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REF NO: 27/2023
Unit: Demand and Acquisition Management
SALARY: R241 485 per annum (Level 06)
CENTRE: Pretoria


A 3-year tertiary qualification (NQF 6) in Supply Chain Management/ Logistic/ Purchasing Management or related with at least 3 years’ experience in Supply Chain Management particularly in Demand and Acquisition Management.

Must have knowledge of SCM procedures and policies, PFMA, PPPFA and National Treasury Regulations.

Computer literacy and sound knowledge of Microsoft Office suite applications and LOGIS will be an added advantage.

Organisational skills and good interpersonal relations, communication skills (written & verbal), ability to maintain high level of confidentiality and be able to work under pressure.


The successful candidate will be responsible to implement demand and acquisition administration efficient and effectively.

This entails the provisioning of requisitions administration and ensure compliance to relevant legislation.

Provisioning of quotation administration and ensure compliance to relevant legislation.

The keeping of records and reporting, ensure compliance to relevant legislation and updating of relevant registers.

The administration and provisioning of Petty cash and request for proposals.


Ms M Masilela Tel No: 012 312 0471




REF NO: 26/2023
Unit: Salaries, Tax and S & T
SALARY: R241 485 per annum (Level 06), plus benefits
CENTRE: Pretoria


An appropriate 3-year tertiary qualification (NQF 06) in Accounting or related with at least 1-2 years appropriate experience in Finance.

Should have good knowledge and experience of PERSAL and BAS and a high level of computer literacy.

Should possess the following skills: good verbal and written communication.

Must have good Interpersonal relations, planning and organising skills.

Knowledge of document management, tracking and filling systems.

Must have high level of reliability.

Must have the ability to interpret relevant policies such as PFMA, Treasury Regulations and other relevant legislation.


The successful candidate will be responsible to render a financial clerical support service.

This entails rendering Subsistence and Travel claims: checking of all S&T claims in line with the S&T policy and ensure that valid claims are processed within 7 working days.

Foreign Advances: all foreign advances are compiled based on adequate supporting documentation within 2 days and ensure register is kept.

Foreign Claims: all foreign claims are accurately calculated based on adequate supporting documentation.

Ledger accounts and reporting: all journals are accurately compiled and captured on Bas within 3 working days.

Sundry payments: all payments are captured accurately on Supplier, amount, invoice number and adequate supporting documentation.


Ms M Masilela Tel No: (012) 312-0471

Human Resource Admin & Recruitment




CLOSING DATE: 02 JUNE 2023 @ 16:30

WEBSITE: www.dpme.gov.za


The relevant reference number must be quoted on all applications. The successful candidate will have to sign an annual performance agreement and will be required to undergo a security clearance. Applications must be submitted on a signed Z.83 accompanied by a comprehensive CV only specifying all experience indicating the respective dates (MM/YY) as well as indicating three reference persons with the following information: name and contact number(s), email address and an indication of the capacity in which the reference is known to the candidate.

Certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents will be requested from shortlisted candidates only. Applicants will be required to meet vetting requirements as prescribed by Minimum Information Security Standards. The DPME is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. The employment decision shall be informed by the Employment Equity Plan of the Department. It is the Department’s intention to promote equity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of this post(s) Failure to submit the above information will result in the application not being considered. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

Reference checks will be done during the selection process. Note that correspondence will only be conducted with the short-listed candidates. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months of the closing date of the advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Shortlisted candidates must be available for interviews at a date and time determined by DPME. Applicants must note that pre-employment checks will be conducted once they are short-listed and the appointment is also subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, security vetting, qualification verification and criminal records.

Shortlisted candidates will be required to complete a written test as part of the selection process. For salary levels 11 to 15, the inclusive remuneration package consists of a basic salary, the state’s contribution to the Government Employees Pension Fund and a flexible portion in terms of applicable rules. SMS will be required to undergo a Competency Assessment as prescribed by DPSA. All candidates shortlisted for SMS positions will be required to undergo a technical exercise that intends to test the relevant technical elements of the job.

The DPME reserves the right to utilise practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process (candidates who are shortlisted will be informed accordingly) to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The DPME also reserves the right to cancel the filling / not to fill a vacancy that was advertised during any stage of the recruitment process. Prior to appointment, a candidate would be required to complete the Nyukela Programme: Pre-entry Certificate to Senior Management Services as endorsed by DPSA which is an online course, endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG).

The course is available at the NSG under the name Certificate for entry into the SMS and the full details can be sourced by the following link: https://www.thensg.gov.za/training-course/sms-pre-entry-programme/. Candidates are required to use the new Z83 (Application for employment) that is implemented with effect from 1 January 2021. A copy can be downloaded on the website of the Department of Public Service & Administration (DPSA) at www.dpsa.gov.za.

Applications must be posted / or hand-delivered to:

The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME), at Private Bag X944, Pretoria, 0028


Hand delivered to 330 Grosvenor Street, Hatfield, Pretoria 0028
(please quote the relevant post and reference number) or via link: https://affirmativeportfolios.co.za/dpme. Emailed applications will not be accepted.

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