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Sassa has introduced additional ways to apply for the R350 grant. This comes after the other application methods have been overwhelmed. See more below.

SASSA has expanded the ways in which you can claim the Special Relief Assistance grant.

The R350 grant applications were opened early today, August 6th, at 9am. These SRD grant applications will close in March 2022.

On Twitter, the agency said:

You can also apply for the special SRD COVID-19 Grant via https://govchat.app/login or Facebook messenger https://facebook.com/govchat.org

This means that all the channels open to you to apply for the R350 grant are as follows:

Website: https://srd.sassa.gov.za
WhatsApp: 082 046 8553
USSD Line: Dial * 134 * 7737 #
GovChat: https: //govchat.app/login
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/govchat.org
SASSA implemented these new paths for apps due to the WhatsApp channel experiencing technical difficulties and SASSA’s SRD website becoming overloaded with apps and, as a result, slowed down.

To access or have the application reconsidered for the Social Relief of Distress Grant, an applicant must consent to SASSA verifying their identity, residency, income or social security benefits.

Applicants must also accept the declaration and consent.

The new process will now require applicants to provide their bank details in advance so that SASSA can process R350 grant payments once they meet the criteria.

SASSA has also made it clear that you can apply until the month of August to receive payments for August.

Applicants are asked to submit only one application and be aware of the status of their SASSA grant application.

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