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The Department of Public Works is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. The intention is to promote representatively in the Public Service through the filling of these posts and with persons whose appointment will promote representatively, will receive preference. An indication by candidates in this regard will facilitate the processing of applications. If no suitable candidates from the unrepresented groups can be recruited, candidates from the represented groups will be considered. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


REF NO: 2023/214
SALARY: R294 321 per annum

Head Office (Pretoria)


A three year tertiary qualification (NQF Level 6) in Logistics, Public Management or Transport/ Fleet Management or equivalent with Appropriate experience in Fleet, Subsidized Vehicles, Ministerial Vehicles & Transport Management.

Must be in possession of a valid driver’s license.

Knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and PPP contracts, Transport related policies, Car scheme for political office bearers, Senior Manager Scheme, Middle Management Scheme and financial administration process and system.

Computer literacy, Administration Skills, Organizational skills, Financial and reconciliation skills. Good communication (verbal and writing) skills and interpersonal skills, willing to adapt to work schedule in accordance with office requirements.

Ability to perform under pressure.


Manage Departmental drivers.

Administer fleet vehicle utilization and ensure that the all trips are logged daily on the trip logging system.

Conduct daily vehicle inspections.

Manage Head Office fleet vehicles, costing and reports of fleet services, inspections of fleet vehicles.

Verify transport related invoices from service providers for correctness and compliance to policies and prescripts. Ensure that invoices are paid within 30 days of receipt.

Facilitate payments on the BAS/SAGE system for service providers. Perform monthly account reconciliation. Reconciliation of logbooks.

Update the Reapatala Invoice Tracking System.

Oversee the provision of short and long term rental vehicles.

Initiate the procurement of ministerial vehicles as per the SCM processes; licensing and registration and assist with all administration of the ministerial vehicles.

Provide and maintain fleet vehicles for official purposes, the incumbent will be responsible to manage the driver services and conduct performance assessments.

Liaise with Service providers and NDOT on transport related issues.

Administer traffic fines for the Department.

Process new applications for subsidized vehicles to ensure that the qualification criteria are adhered to.

Ensure that official and private kilometers are verified according to policy requirements and Officials are reimbursed on time. Must be willing to work overtime.

ENQUIRIES: Ms. E Marren Tel No: (012) 406 1441

Head Office Applications:

The Director-General, Department of Public Works, Private Bag x65, Pretoria, 0001


Hand deliver at CGO Building, Corner Bosman and Madiba Street, Pretoria.

Ms. NP Mudau


REF NO: 2023/216
SALARY: R294 321 per annum

Polokwane Regional Office


A three year tertiary qualification (NQF Level 06) appropriate experience in Registry.

Experience in registry mailing procedures and filing systems.

Computer literacy in Ms Word and Excel. Knowledge of the National Archives procedures and standards.

Ability to work under pressure and function as a team leader.

Knowledge & understanding of Disposal process.


Manage the Registry section.

Train and supervise subordinates.

Ensure proper messenger services.

Manage postal services, filing, photocopiers, and switchboard and messenger services.

Implementation and maintenance of the file plan.

Manage archiving and disposal of files.

Manage performance management and staff development.

Implement best practice model on paper based records.

ENQUIRIES: Mr. PP Mothiba Tel No: (015) 291 6309

Polokwane Regional Office Applications:

The Regional Manager, Department of public works, Private Bag X9469, Polokwane, 0700


Hand deliver at 77 Hans van Rensburg Street, Sanlam Building, Ground Floor, Polokwane.

Mr. NJ Khotsa


REF NO: 2023/218
SALARY: R294 321 per annum

Pretoria Regional Office


A three year tertiary qualification (NQF Level 6) in Public Administration or related field.

Appropriate working experience in Workshop Services.

Sound knowledge and understanding of pertinent policies related to Procurement and tender regulations; occupational health and safety; Labour Relations Act; Public Finance Management Act.

Excellent verbal and written communication skills, Problem Solving, Analytical skills and Computer literacy.

An ability to handle confidential information.

A valid driver’s license. Good interpersonal skills; decision making skills; presentations skills (including report writing), hard-working and highly motivated. Ability to work effectively and efficiently under pressure; willing to adapt work schedule in accordance with office requirements.


Ensure effective provision of photocopy, driver, stores and deliveries operations within workshop. Monitor photocopy activities and ensure effective use of photocopy machines.

Make requisition for photocopying materials and that photocopying materials and equipment’s are stored away securely.

Arrange for maintenance on the photocopier machines.

Monitor the schedules for drivers and ensure that secondary drivers submit trip authorisation on time to transport officers.

Provide administrative support to Workshop unit.

Obtain inputs, collates and compiles reports, e.g progress reports, monthly reports and management reports.

Prepare relevant submissions as required.

Responds to enquiries received from internal and external stakeholders.

Ensure that travel arrangements are well coordinated.

Ensure registration and filing of new calls.

Manage the system of tracing and tracking correspondence.

Collects and coordinates all the documents that relate to the office budget.

Provide information for audit queries.

Organise relevant meetings and workshops, and documentation record thereof.

Ensure performance and development of subordinates.

Provide support in management of the leave register and telephone accounts for the unit.

Monitoring of workshop budget.

Ensure good record keeping. Facilitate the ordering of stationary for the workshop.

Mr. I More, Cell: (072) 277 9582

Pretoria Regional Office Applications:

The Regional Manager, Department of Public Works Private BagX229, Pretoria, 0001


251Skinner AVN Building, Cnr Andries and Skinner Street Pretoria.

Ms. K. Tlhapane/ Ms. C Lekganyane



Kindly take note that with effect from 01 January 2021, DPSA approved the new Z83 Application Form (obtainable from any Public Service department) or https://www.dpsa.gov.za/newsroom/psvc/; applicants are requested to use the new application form and the Z83 form must be signed when submitted as failure to do so will result in their application being disqualified. With regard to completion of new Z83 form, part A and B must be fully filled, Part C on method of correspondence and contact details must be fully filled, two questions relating to condition that prevent reappointment under part F must be fully answered.

Page 1 must be initialled, failure to comply with the above, applicants will be disqualified. To streamline the recruitment process to be more responsive to the public, as well as to create more protective measures during the pandemic by avoiding over-crowding and curb the costs incurred by applicants such measures should include the following regarding certification: Advertisement and accompanying notes must clearly capture the requirements for the certification to reflect that applicants, Please not note that applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit the Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae.

The communication from HR of the department regarding requirements of certified documents will be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore only shortlisted candidates for a post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. The application for employment Form (Z83) provides under the sectional “additional information” that candidates who are selected for interviews will be requested to furnish additional certified information that may be requested to make final decision. It must be borne in mind that when a document is certified as a true copy of an original, the certifier only confirms it being a true copy of the original presented.

Therefore, the certification process does not provide validation of the authenticity of the original document. The validation occurs when the documents is verified for authenticity. Regulation 67 (9) requires the executive authority to ensure that he or she is fully satisfied of the claims being made and these read with Regulations (57) (c) which requires the finalisation of Personnel Suitability Checks in order to verify claims and check the candidate for purpose of being fit and proper for employment. Applications not complying with the above will be disqualified. Should you not have heard from us within the next months, please regard your application as unsuccessful.

Note: It is the responsibility of all applicants to ensure that foreign and other qualifications are evaluated by SAQA. Recognition of prior learning will only be considered on submission of proof by candidates. Kindly note that appointment will be subject to verification of qualifications and a security clearance. Faxed or late applications will NOT be accepted. Shortlisted candidates must be willing to undergo normal vetting and verification processes. Should you not have heard from us within the next 3 months, please regard your application as unsuccessful.

CLOSING DATE: 21 JULY 2023 at 16H00

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