Table of Contents
Gauteng Office of the Premier: Internship Opportunity 2020
CLOSING DATE: 31 January 2020
Location: Johannesburg
Stipend: R5000
Gauteng Office of the Premier is offering Internship opportunities for a
period of 12 months with a monthly stipend of R5000 per month in the
following fields:
Provincial Communication Services |
Corporate Communications [x5]
REFS / 004857 |
Strategy & Media Liaison [x3]
REFS / 004859 |
Development Communications [x2]
REFS / 004860 |
Branding & Marketing [x2]
REFS / 004864 |
Performance Monitoring |
Performance Monitoring & Evaluation [x4]
REFS / 004865 |
Provincial Planning |
Development Planning [x1]
REFS / 004866 |
Land-Use Management
REFS / 004867 |
Geographical Information System
REFS / 004868 |
REFS / 004869 |
Executive Support & Stakeholder Management |
Stakeholder Management [x3]
REFS / 004870 |
Legal Services [x2]
REFS / 004872 |
Executive Secretariat
REFS / 004871 |
Corporate Management |
Information System & Information Technology [x2]
REFS / 004858 |
Strategic Operational Support [x3]
REFS / 004873 |
Employee Health & Wellness [x2]
REFS / 004874 |
Financial Management [x2]
REFS / 004877 |
Supply Chain Management
REFS /004878 |
Internal Auditing and Risk Management
REFS /004881 |
Human Resources Management [x3]
REFS /004882 |
Institutional Development Support & Integrity Management |
Service Delivery [x2]
REFS /004883 |
Integrity Management
REFS / 004884 |
Transversal HR [x2]
REFS /004885 |
Transformation [x1]
REFS /004886 |
DG’s Office |
Administration [x2]
REFS / 002230 |
All applicants must be:
- Between the ages of 18 – 35 years
- African citizen
- Gauteng Province Residence
- Unemployed graduates who have NOT participated in an internship
programme in government - Students who have completed their academic theory and are in need of
Experiential Training in order to earn their qualifications - Studying or have studied at a recognized institution of higher learning
in the Republic of South Africa
How to Apply
The following documents should accompany your application:
Z83 Form obtainable on the DPSA website: or any Government
Department- Letter indicating placement area and motivation letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Certified copies of Identity Document, Senior Certificate &
Qualifications including academic transcript
Faxed or Emailed applications will NOT be considered. Applicants can forward
/ submit their applications to Director: Internal Human Resource, West Wing
Office of the Premier, 30 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg; 2001 or posted to the
Office of the Premier, 30 Simmonds Street; Marshalltown; Johannesburg; 2001.
Enquiries: Richard Mathebula, tel: (011) 298 5698
People with disabilities, Whites, Coloured and Indians are encouraged to
apply in line with our Employment Equity policy.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the large number of applications we envisage
receiving; correspondence will only be made to successful candidates. If you do
not receive any response by 15 March 2020, please accept that your application
was not successful.