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Elangeni Technical Vocation Education and Training is an Equal opportunity employer inviting applications from suitable experienced applicants for these permanent posts.


SALARY: R176 310 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE: Elangeni TVET College, Central Office

  • Registration Services Ref No: HRM 82/2022
  • Academic Services Ref No: HRM 83/2022

REQUIREMENTS: A Grade 12 certificate (NQF Level 4) or equivalent. 1-2 years’ experience human resource management/ public management/financial management environment or equivalent field. Knowledge of Human Resource policies, procedures and practices. Knowledge of establishment processes and procedures. Basic knowledge of financial functions, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collate financial statistics. Basic knowledge of the Public Service financial legislations, procedures and treasury regulations (PFMA, DORA, PSA, PSR, PPPFA, Financial Manual). Knowledge of basic financial operating systems (PERSAL, BAS, LOGIS etc. Understating of legislative framework governing the Public Services.

DUTIES: Implement the post establishment in accordance with the College’s HR policies and strategies. Capture new employees on the TVETMIS, MSS Coltech system etc. Match and align employees on the establishment in accordance with the approved structure of the College. Draw PERSAL Establishment for auditing. Create PERSAL codes. Create Posts on Establishment. Ensure reliable and accurate post class code and rank codes match. Ensure posts are reserved correctly. Keep stats of vacancies as per Establishment. Maintain employees’ information according to the determined norms and standards. Monitor the 63% threshold in terms Compensation of Employees budget and ensure the College complies with the 63% threshold. Provide monthly establishment reports to the relevant units and stakeholders.

ENQUIRES: Mr NE Mkhize Tel No: 031 492 4363

APPLICATIONS: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The Deputy Principal: Corporate Services, Elangeni TVET College, Private Bag X 9032 Pinetown 3610 or hand deliver to 15 Portsmouth Road, Pinetown (Mon-Fri 07:30 – 16:00)

CLOSING DATE: 15 July 2022 @ 13h00

NOTE: The application must include only completed and signed new Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.gov.za, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification as well as a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date, following communication from HR. Incomplete and unsigned application will not be considered. The filling of the post will be done in terms of Department approved Employment Equity Plan. The ETVET is committed to providing equal opportunities and practicing affirmative action employment.

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