Sassa SRD R350 Grant ExtendedSassa SRD R350 Grant Extended
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The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has been dealing with the
reconsideration of the covid-19 SRD Grant applications for a while which caused a lot of
dissatisfaction to the public at large. After months of dealing with appeals, verification
and reconsideration processes about seven hundred and fifty thousand (750 000) have
been paid and we expect payments to increase to over a million by the end of the week.


These payments made in the week are specifically for the reconsideration appeals for
the period of August 2021 to November 2021. We appeal to clients to please provide
SASSA with their bank account details to enable us to pay them into their own
accounts. Notifications to update details have also been sent to clients whose
reconsideration appeal has been approved, but their bank account details were

The extension of the grant for a further period of 12 months was announced in February
2022. However, before the extension could be implemented, the legislative framework
had to be changed, given the lifting of the COVID-19 National State of Disaster.


In this new iterations, one of the conditions of the allocations was to address concerns
raised about inclusion and exclusion errors to ensure that we stay within the
budget allocation of R44 billion.

The payment process have now commenced and having cleared the first four months of
backlogs for the reconsideration appeals between August and November, the
assessments for the new applications has begun.

Clients are advised not to go to the post office to access the funds. Recipients of the
COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant of R350 who had selected to receive their
funds at SAPO branches are requested to visit and select an
option to collect the grant from any retail outlets such as Checkers, Usave, Shoprite,
Pick ‘n Pay and Boxer. Clients must have their Identity Document and Cellphone they
registered when applying for the grant because the OTP number will be sent to that
registered number.


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