REF NO: DOHS/36/2019
Branch: Corporate Services
Directorate: Security
SALARY: R173 703 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE: Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a Grade 12 certificate or equivalent qualification Registration with PSIRA grade B and a code 08 driver’s license Two to three years relevant experience as a security officer Sound Knowledge of MISS, MPSS, Control and Access of Public Premises and Vehicles Act 53 of 1985 Good writing and interpersonal skills Ability to take initiative and supervise Security Officers Ability to understand and implement policies, directives and related prescripts in security administration Be prepared to work irregular hours and night shifts Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to pre-employment security screening.
DUTIES : The successful candidates will: Supervise the security functions performed by the security officers, ensuring adherence to or implementation of department security policies and will include: Access control, Safety in the buildings and premises of the department, Authorization of the equipment, document and stores into or out the building or premises and incident/occurrence books/registers, Incidents/occurrence book/registers, Safekeeping of keys Administrative and related functions which will include: Schedule leaves, Draft rosters, shift schedule and overtime, Monitors performance of employees and determine training needs, Report on the effectiveness of security measures and procedures, Coordinate suggestions from internal or external stakeholders Monitor and Maintain security systems which will include: Report faulty equipment/systems, Ensure systems are functioning optimally through scheduled services Support investigations which will include: Identify risks and threats to the security of the department and Provide information regarding incidents to investigating officers.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Nortman Tel No: (012) 444 9115.
NOTE: Male candidates and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
APPLICATIONS: The Director-General, Department of Human Settlements, Private Bag x644, Pretoria, 0001 or Hand delivery: 260 Justice Mohammed Street, Ruth Mompati Building, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 0001.
FOR ATTENTION: Ms N Nortman, Tel No: (012) 444 9115
CLOSING DATE: 18 October 2019
NOTE: It will be expected from the selected candidates to be available for the interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department of Human Settlements. Applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are shortlisted and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification and criminal records If you apply for more than one position in the Department, please submit separate application forms for each post Applications must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service department and must be accompanied by a detailed CV, together with certified copies of qualification certificates and your ID/Passport All copies must be certified within the past 12 months It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) Failure to submit the required documents will result in your application not being considered Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only Please note that the all-inclusive remuneration package consists of a basic salary, the state’s contribution to the Government Employee’s Fund and a flexible portion in terms of applicable rules. As of 1st July 2006, all new appointments in the public service have to be part of the Government Employee Medical Scheme (GEMS) in order to qualify for a Government Medical Subsidy If you have not been contacted within four (4) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful The Department of Human Settlements reserves the right to cancel the filling/ not to fill a vacancy that was advertised during any stage of the recruitment process