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Police Trainee


Level of remuneration:
Stipend: R4500 per month Salary notch: R186 483 per annum
In addition to this, appointees will receive the applicable service benefits.
Act of Appointment: SAPS Act, 1995 (Act No 68 of 1995).
Core Functions: Successful candidates will serve as functional police officials. As
such, they will be deployed to carry out one or more of the following functions:
* Prevent, combat and investigate crime,

* Maintain public order,

* Protect and secure the inhabitants of the Republic and their property,

* Uphold and enforce the law

All applicants will be subjected to a fitness, psychometric and integrity testing as well
as medical evaluation and will be interviewed during the recruitment, selection and
enlistment process. The SAPS will also verify the criminal record, qualifications,
driver’s license, citizenship and residential address of each applicant.
Applicants will be subjected to a vetting process which will include security screening
and fingerprint verification.
Applicants who previously served in a Government Department and who were
dismissed as a result of misconduct are excluded.
In view of the physical demands of the Basic Police Development Learning
Programme, applicants with chronic diseases, physical impairments or any other
health condition that may lead to interruption of the training programme, will be
excluded from participation in the programme. Such applicants’ failure to disclose the
conditions will result in their withdrawal from the programme on the determination
The Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act, Act 37 of 2013
requires that all new appointments in the South African Police Service as from
31st of January 2015 provide a buccal (inside cheek) sample in order to
determine their forensic DNA profile. The forensic DNA profile derived from the
sample will be loaded to the Elimination Index of the National Forensic DNA
Database. Basic Police Development Learning Programme (BPDLP)
Selected applicants shall participate in a Basic Police Development Learning
Programme (hereafter referred to as the PROGRAMME) for a period of 21 (twenty
one) months.
The PROGRAMME shall consist of three phases: Induction Phase
One (1) month at a designated police station; Basic Training Phase
Eight (8) months Basic Training at a designated SAPS Academy (with practical
training at a designated police station; Probation Phase
After successful completion of the Induction and the Basic training Phases, the
police trainee shall be appointed as a member of the Service under probation (12 months).
During the Basic Training Phase of the PROGRAMME, the Service shall provide free
training gear, meals and accommodation to the police trainee.
Trainees will also receive medical aid benefits for the duration of the 21-month Basic
Training Learning Programme. Upon successful completion of the Basic Training
Learning Programme trainees will be considered for permanent appointment as
members of the SAPS.
Placement: Successful candidates will be trained at any SAPS Academy in
South Africa and will be placed at any Police Station / Unit in South Africa after
completion of the Institution Phase



How to apply:

Complete the application form in your own handwriting.
Applicants must take note of the fact that application forms and employment are not
for sale and any payment offered by an applicant or promises provided in this regard
will be investigated and may lead to criminal prosecution. Applicants may report such
incidents to the National Anti Corruption Line at telephone number: 0800 701 701.
Specify the post which you are applying for.
Make sure you have signed your application form in front of a commissioner of oath.
Attach certified copies of your: * ID Document, * Driver’s license, * Senior
Certificate / National Senior Certificate or National Certificate (Vocational), *
Additional qualifications, * Proof of residence.
Closing date: 15 October 2019.
Correspondence will be conducted with successful candidates only.
The South African Police Service is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
employer. It is our intention to promote representivity through the filling of
these posts.
The South African Police Service is under no obligation to fill the advertised
If you have not received feedback from the South African Police Service within
3 months of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.
Interested applicants may obtain applications from any police station or may also be
downloaded from the SAPS Website. This application form together with all the
required documentation should be handed in at your nearest police station or at the
address provided below:

Western Cape
Provincial Commissioner (Reenlistments)
South African Police
Service Private Bag X 9004 Cape Town 8000
Capt Van Zyl WO Nel
(021) 409 6579 / 6596
Applications can be hand-delivered at:
1st Floor, Customs House
Building, Lower Heerengracht
Street, Cape Town
Eastern Cape Provincial Commissioner
Recruitment & Staffing: Reenlistments
South African Police Service
Private Bag X7471 King Williams
Town 5601

Lt Col Madlingozi
PPO E Du Randt
(040) 608-7153 /7156 /7157/7158 /7245/7248 /7161
Applications can be hand-delivered
Recruitment & Staffing,
SAPS Provincial Head Office:
Eastern Cape, Old Griffiths Mxenge
Building, Buffalo Street, Zwelitsha,
Northern Cape The Provincial Head Personnel
Management Recruitment Office:
Re-enlistment Private Bag X 5001
Kimberley 8300
Col Seome
W/O Botha
(053) 8393724 / 2516 / 2510 / 2511
Applications can be hand-delivered
at: Lewende hawe Building 19
George Street (locked silver
container at entrance) Kimberley

Free State Provincial Commissioner (Reenlistments)
South African Police
Service Private Bag 20501
Lt Col N Tyali
Sgt I Gailele
(051) 507- 6407/6807
Applications can be hand-delivered
at: No 126 Charlotte Maxeke
Street , Metpol Building, 5th floor
:Room 518 , Bloemfontein or
posted to: PC: Free State,
Personnel Management, Private
Bag X20501, Bloemfontein, 9301
Att: The Recruitment Centre

Gauteng Provincial Commissioner (Reenlistments)
South African Police
Service P/Bag X57,
Braamfontein, 2017

Lt Col C Henning
Capt Lennox
Capt Barnard
PO Motau
(011) 274 7913
/ 7423 / 7424 / 7425
Applications can be hand-delivered
at: SAPS Provincial Head Office,
Gauteng Province, 16 Empire
Road, Parktown, Johannesburg,

Limpopo The Provincial Head Personnel
Management Private Bag X 9428
Polokwane 0700
Lt Col Kgadima
Capt Kobe
(015)290 6024 (015)290 6094

Applications can be hand-delivered
at: 44 Schoeman Street Landbank
Building Polokwane 0700 or
posted to the Provincial Head(as
North West The Provincial Commissioner
South African Police Service
Private Bag X801 Potchefstroom
Lt Col Koloti
W/O Mpela
(018) 299 7320/7732

Applications can be hand-delivered
at: 2nd-floor Wespol Building:
Corner Mandela Drive and Peter Mokaba street.
Mpumalanga The Provincial Head: Personnel
Management Recruitment &
Staffing: Private Bag X 11299
Nelspruit, 1200
Lt Col. Todani Capt NA Nkosi
(013) 762 4810 or 4898/ 4808/ 4811/ 4809/ 4318

Applications can be hand-delivered
at: The Provincial Office,
Recruitment and Staffing, South
African Police Service, Ehmke Street No. 04, Nelspruit next to
Mlondolozi house.

KwaZulu Natal Provincial Commissioner(Reenlistment)
South African Police
Service P O BOX 1965 Durban, 4000
Lt Col S N Zondo
Capt TM Chazi
PO P Moodley
(031)325 4808 / 6404/6194

Applications can be hand-delivered
to 6TH Floor, Servamus Building
, Room 619/620 15 Bram Fischer
Road, Durban or posted to: The Recruitment Office
SA Police Service, P O BOX 1965, Durban,4000


Body Mass Index of less than 30 / or Waist circumference ≤ 102 cm (males) and ≤
88 cm (females)

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