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SALARY: R316 791 – R373 167 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE: Central Office

REQUIREMENTS: M+3 Bachelor degree/Communication/Journalism/Public Relations. Understanding of media liaison and communication, including government communication, Good interpersonal, communication, (verbal and writing), creative and analytical skills, and a valid driver’s license.

DUTIES: Design and lay-out the internal newsletter and other print materials. Facilitate the production of College reports and promotional materials, enhance the corporate image of the College, make exhibition arrangement for the College, Manage the updating of content and the overall maintenance of the College intranet and internet, write, research and collate articles for the internal newsletter, edit and proofread articles, assist with the co-ordination of College events, e.g. information sessions, assist with media liaison functions/activities, participate in the development of the communication strategy.

ENQUIRIES: Maphutha OM, Nyambi KS and Phokungwana MZ at Tel No: (015) 880 0281/015 230 1800


APPLICATIONS: Please forward all applications to The Principal, Capricorn College for TVET, Private Bag X 9674, Polokwane, 0700 or hand deliver to Central Office at 16 Market Street, Polokwane, Registry Office or Email address: vacancies@capricorncollege.edu.za

CLOSING DATE: 07 January 2021, applications received after the closing date or faxed applications will not be considered.

NOTE: Applications must be submitted on form Z83 obtainable from any public service department and must be accompanied by recently updated CV; certified copies of qualifications, academic records/transcripts and certified copy of ID (certification must be within three months). Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to screening and security vetting to determine the suitability of a person for employment. Interviewed candidates will be subjected to a competency assessment where necessary. Correspondence will only be entered into with short-listed applicants. The College /department reserves the right to withdraw any of the advertised posts at any time depending on the need. If you did not receive feedback from the college within 90 days of the closing date, consider your application unsuccessful

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